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the career ladder中文是什么意思

用"the career ladder"造句"the career ladder"怎么读"the career ladder" in a sentence


  • 晋升阶梯


  • The carrian case formed a major part of chui s investigator life and also propelled him up the career ladder
  • At upper levels of the career ladder , this is comfortably the best sector to work in if you want good money
  • Example : the career ladder for many people within our corporation leads from regional sales to the marketing department and finally into management
  • If we put these two career levels together , engineering seems to be best for above - average money initially , and above - average money as you move up the career ladder
  • Every time i moved up the career ladder i could see clearer . i faced many disappointments along the way . one was very hard at the time but extremely funny now
用"the career ladder"造句  
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